Design Approach

Web design, DTP design, and product design are all created with some kind of meaning or intention in mind.
I do not intend to deny the creator’s sense of meaning, atmosphere, or sensitivity, but that can be a self-satisfied design that fits one’s own world.

Then, what is the meaning or intention of web design or DTP design?

I think it is to convey the message (appeal) of the client or the product or service to the people who want to communicate to through design surely.
In other words, design is one of communication ways.
There is no doubt that conveying what the clients want to communicate to the people they want to communicate to, contributes greatly to the clients’ business.

However, it is difficult to convey something to end-users as the client wishes.
People have long developed words as a means of communication to communicate, but there are limits to what we can do with words alone.
There are so many things that cannot be expressed in words.
It is natural that there is a limit to expressing in words what people experience with their five senses, and it is impossible to communicate completely and accurately even with means other than words.

However, today’s technology for communicating with non-verbal means has developed drastically.
First of all, the means of communication that appeals to the five senses, starting with sight, then hearing, touch, taste, and smell, are steadily penetrating the market.

I believe that communication technology will continue to develop based on a scientific approach in each field, but what I need to work on first is design using language and the visual field as a media.
In the case of Web design, I can also use the sense of hearing, and in the case of DTP design, I can use the sense of touch and even smell, but first of all, I need to improve design skills in language and the visual field.

After all, creating a design that communicates is nothing more than building a communication tool, a communication mechanism.

To achieve this, I believe that what is required of design is integration of sensory and logical approaches. Although I try to emphasize a sense of balance, I have a strong tendency to build up logical thinking in my head and output it.
(In terms of the brain, left-brain thinking is stronger than right-brain thinking.)

If I focus too much on such logical approaches, my designs will be too conventional and rather uninteresting, and if I ignore such approaches, my designs may be self-satisfied.If the design must leave some sensory hooks somewhere, it will be unimpressive, and therefore, it will not convey the message.

Therefore, I would like to keep a balance between a sensory approach and a logical approach. (An approach that activates the brain by improving the bypass passage between the right and left brains.)

There is no absolute pattern of success, but I will keep the above in mind in the future.

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