Always Stretch

At my last job, the term “stretch” was used to permeate the employees, and it is especially effective for me now that I am inexperienced in Web and DTP field.

It would be great if I could improve my skills and sense of design dramatically, but I don’t have that kind of absorptive capacity.

I would venture to work on techniques, color schemes, typography, etc., that I have never adopted before. (Of course, if I ignore the client’s or customer’s point of view and adopt new things out of self-interest, it will be a complete turnaround.)

The level should be a little taller and reachable for me.
It’s exactly “stretch”.

If I seek a leap forward but give up without achieving anything at all, I am not making progress, and I am disqualified as a creator who receives a fee.

I steadily build up my skills little by little, and then look back at past productions after I have built up to a certain degree and say.

“What? I didn’t realize how easy it was~ Now it’s a piece of cake.

Like that I would like to laugh at my past self.

However, the faster I can build up my skills, the better. Technology progresses very quickly, and I can never catch up with those who are ahead of me.

I would like to maintain the attitude of challenging new things, even if it is little by little.

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